Shamanic education through Inca's Medicine Wheel step 1/4
Tue, 26 May
Welcome to a fantastic shamanic education that includes 4 classes through the Wheel of Medicine. It is designed for you who want to grow spiritually and step more into your spiritual light as a powerhouse to what you are here to create.

Tid och plats
26 May 2020, 10:00 – 28 May 2020, 18:00, Idöborg bridge, Nämdö, Sweden
Om evenemanget
Healer's medicine
In this first step, you will learn the basics of Shamanic Energy Medicine . We look at what story you live and how you construct your life based on previous experiences. In this process, you transform and heal what has been and how you keep yourself in the physical world. This gives an awareness of what needs to shift in your energy to change how you create your reality. In the southern class, we work with the snake's archetype and wisdom. Just as the snake sheds its skin, you learn to come to terms with the past and leave the old stories behind you that no longer serve who you are. You dive deep into your personal healing, learning that life is constant movement, renewal and rejuvenation. In this beautiful process, you begin to create your own altar of medicine stones that become a sacred place of dreams and visions. We're all on a Hero journey and live a story!
The southern class includes four Andean initiations to strengthen your energy with the elements of nature, open up your intuitive vision, enter into an energetically close relationship with the shaman's archetypes and to create your altar of healing stones through ceremony. Here we begin to walk the path of Beauty in relation to ourselves and our surroundings.
Welcome to Medicinhjulet which is a fantastic shamanic education in the mysticism and wisdom of the Andes. A healing journey where you weave together the spiritual and the physical dimension of who you are, which gives you renewed power in how you see, feel and act in your world from a holistic perspective with everything in life. It is about spiritual awareness, healing, tracking = to see beyond illusions, to get in touch with the dream of the soul, to become a strong visionary…
These are wonderfully intense course days starting 30 min. meditation at 7.30 Then we enjoy a delicious breakfast before we meet again at 9 for teachings and healing processes in Shamanic Energy Medicine. We have a break of 90 min. for lunch and dinner, every night we meet for different shamanic ceremonies. I look forward to sharing this colorful healing knowledge with you this week which is in snake medicine and wisdom.
Jeanette Mantel has been sharing shamanic wisdom since 2012 through training in Inkas Medicinhjul and its master courses in Sweden. She is educated in Shamanic Energy Medicine by Alberto Villoldo and The Four Winds Society, which she later also worked with for seven years as a leading teacher in Europe. As a Healer, she has worked in personal sessions and in group processes under 16 years. Her soul mission is to inspire spiritual development and lead people on an inner journey to discover more of who they are, to make the light of the soul shine brighter in every person's dreams of life!
In 2016, she trained in Evolutionary Leadership at Shift Leadership Academy in California and in Business Development at the Academy of Excellence in Stockholm. She develops and leads spiritual journeys in Peru to welcome others into the source of the Inca shamanic tradition, meet indigenous peoples and take part in their ancient healing ceremonies in the Andes mystery.
Registration options and information:
Pay the entire Medicine Wheel for 4 classes SEK 27,000 Book an early offer! Pay before 31/12 2019 and get SEK 2,000 lower price. If you want to book one course at a time, each direction costs SEK 7,500 upon registration. Registration is binding. If there is a class you miss, we will find ways for you to follow the education and offer another place for that direction in Medicinhjulet.
Board / lodging:
Part in double room SEK 3,197
Single room SEK 3,517
The price includes full board with wonderful vegetarian / vegan food, sheets, towels, sauna two times and access to the kayaks. Board / lodging is paid on site at Idöborg. All prices include VAT.
Date for the entire Medicine Wheel:
Class 1 - South 26-28 May 2020
Class 2 - West 6-8 October 2020
Class 3 - North 19-21 February 2021
Class 4 - East 11-13 May 2021
Email or call 073-339 23 19.
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