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archipelago environment
Fästpunkt 1
Kommande kurser på Idöborg
- 11 Apr 2025, 15:00 – 13 Apr 2025, 15:00Idöborg, Idoborg, 130 36 Nämdö, SwedenRecovery is the theme of these three days. With the help of yoga, meditation, beautiful nature, kayaking, sauna baths and the body's own longing for balance, rest and new energy, these days provide an opportunity for what you need!
- 13 Jun 2025, 09:00 – 15 Jun 2025, 17:00Idöborg, Idoborg, 130 36 Nämdö, SwedenRecovery is the theme of these three days. With the help of yoga, meditation, beautiful nature, kayaking, sauna baths and the body's own longing for balance, rest and new energy, these days provide an opportunity for what you need!
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